Premiere Sports, LLC
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One Game * One World * One Premiere

The East Coast Home of the Summer Pro League

Summer Pro League


Only a coach knows what is at stake at the start of every season. Premiere Sports, L.L.C. aims to assist coaches in their opportunity to evaluate, select, and critique talent.


Coaches can work hands on with players.  There will be scheduled practices each week for the of the Premiere Exposure/Education Summer Pro League.



Coaches will have the opportunity to work, meet, network, and compare tactics and strategies with other coaches from other professional leagues. 


Premiere Alum, Teams, Education, Player photos, Highlights, Player Arrivals, Player Departures, Coaching, Gymnasium, Registration, League Stats, Quotes.

Here we will display information on upcoming events:


2010 European Camp in Frankfurt, Germany on November 25 - 27, 2010. more

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Premiere Sports,LLC * PO Box 990946 * Boston, MA * USA * 02199